Who We Are

Our Mission

West African Association of Public Accounts Committee (WAAPAC) is an autonomous Association of Parliamentary Public Accounts Committees from the ECOWAS states and aims to create a platform for networking with the view of sharing and achieving best practices and where appropriate, harmonizing and standardizing the work of Parliamentary Public Accounts Committees in the West African sub-region.

Our Vision

WAAPAC strives to stand out as an organization that empowers its members to effectively carry out their functions as the key oversight committee of parliament over public sector finances, as well as promoting good governance. The core values of the Association include: Improving efficiency, openness and transparency in the management of public finances An organization for members and run by members of PACs with the assistance of a Secretariat Centralised point where Civil Society, other institutions and the general public can engage with PACs

Our Aim

The WAAPAC aims to: Facilitate and encourage interaction among Public Accounts Committees, governments and other relevant stakeholders towards greater transparency and accountability in the management of public funds within the sub-region; Encourage concerted action, early debate, facilitate exchange of information and experience relating to Public Accounts Committees and to discuss matters of common interest among its membership; and Build capacity and expertise to improve the quality and performance of Public Accounts Committees in the sub-region.